The First Automated Gate System of Turkey was put into use at YILPORT

YILPORT Inland Terminal Automated Gate System - the first Automated Gate System to be used in terminals and port operations in Turkey - was put into service on 16.07.2010.
In early 2009, APS provided Turkey’s first Automated Gate System which was carried through the Navis Sparcs N4 Terminal Operating System.
What is “Automated Gate System” and how does it work?
Automated Gate System is based on widely used OCR Technology (Optical Character Recognition) that converts visual data to digital data. The working principle is that the data (Container number, vehicle’s license number) received through the OCR cameras - placed on the OCR Portals over the entrance and exit gates; focused to specific and definite points on the vehicles; able to work in every light (night and day) and weather (rainy, snowy, etc.) conditions - are transferred to the Terminal Operating System Navis Sparcs N4 and are matched with the current data in system database. After the data entry provided automatically by the system, by the help of touch screens drivers are directed to their destination points in the Terminal. Similarly, during the exit process, data are read by OCR cameras and are matched with the ones at system database and so are the necessary controls completed. Owing to these controls, for example, the possibility of a vehicle’s taking a wrong container from the Terminal is eliminated. In addition to all, the system enables archiving of visual data. The visual data of vehicle, driver and container received during passing the gate are kept for a period of time, and can be used for retrospective visual search when necessary.
It is the first system that made use of technological advantages substantially in Container Terminal Management in Turkey.”
In respect of system, Yilport Container Terminal Information Technologies Manager Bülent Dökümcü said: “ Yilport ADCS is a source of honour for whole Yilport Terminal and its employees due to the fact that It is the first system that has made use of technological advantages substantially in Container Terminal Management in Turkey. He mentioned that there became no difficulty while putting the system into use although it was performed on Friday, the busiest day of Container Terminals, and he said: “Drivers are informed step by step on touch screens about what they should do, so they quickly get used to the system. The major difficulty we had in the first day of application was to persuade the drivers about that there is no need the get out of their vehicles."
”I think this system shall be used at every port.”
The drivers which regularly use the system mentioned that the system provides great convenience to themselves.
Mahmut Dogan; Hay – Koop Haydarpasa Motorized Transport Cooperative
“ We have easily got used to the system, there is no difficulty and we can do our operations quickly. I can take the containers and get out of the terminal without getting out of my vehicle. It is really very good.”
Fatih Kaygusuz; Reysas Logistics;
“We regularly transact at Yilport, especially at Yilport Inland Terminal. I find the new system fine and easy to use. It provides convenience for us, I had no difficulty while getting used to the system. In my opinion, this system shall be used at every port.”
Ahmet Karatas; No.154 Dilovasi Truck and Trailer Truck Motorized Transport Cooperative
The system provides great convenience for us, it is very different from old system. Previously we were having some delays but there is no problem about delays anymore. It is a good feeling to go on with the operations without getting out of the vehicles.
“At Yilport Inland Terminal which is a private service area absolutely parted for stackability of import containers and delivery to the importers in the quickest way with the first Automated Gate System of Turkey, Service Quality Standards moved to prerogative levels in line with Yilport’s targets.”
Breaking new ground at Yilport, Mr. Dokumcu highlighted that after the use of OCR technology in Inland Terminal, it will be also used for Main Terminal Gates in two years time, and indicated that they are working on the use of this technology in yard operations. Concerning system’s proceeds, Mr. Dokumcu mentioned that with the system’s removing document and vehicle traffic made it possible for a vehicle to enter Yilport Inland Terminal within 20-25sec (taking into account that all the required documents are complete); these short processing time periods have made big difference at the gates which are one of the Terminals’ bottleneck points. In last, he said: “At Yilport Inland Terminal which is a private service area absolutely parted for stackability of import containers and delivery to the importers in the quickest way with the first Automated Gate System of Turkey, Service Quality Standards moved to prerogative levels in line with Yilport’s targets.”