YILPORT Puerto Bolivar Keeps Growing with The First Step of Promised Dredging Plan

YILPORTECU proudly announce to take a start to one of the most prominent plans promised to be realized: Dredging Phase I at the terminal, with the aim of providing the best possible service to its valuable customers. In this project, YILPORTECU aims to radically improve its service and increase customer satisfaction by going in line with the expansion plan. Having gotten necessary confirmation on this environmental project, dredging work was started to deepen Puerto Bolivar's draft and to expand container capacity of the terminal.
YILPORTECU is pleased to share with you the news about this exciting project and give all the details to keep you, informed in this development process.
Phase 1- First Step Dredging
Berths Planned Start Date : First week of March 2018
Berths Planned Finish Date : End of March 2018
Phase 1 - Second Step Dredging:
Channel Planned Start Date : First week of April 2018
Channel Planned Finish Date : End of May 2018
The drafts after the Phase-1 First Step Dredging will be:
Berth #5 : -14,5 meters MLWS
Finger Pier #1 and #2 : -12,5 meters MLWS
Berth #3 and #4 : -12,5 meters MLWS
Access Channel : -10,0 meters MLWS (-12,9 m. draft with maximum tide)
Phase 2
Planned Start Date : First week of November 2018
Planned Finish Date : End of May 2019"
Phase 2 result - Access Channel : -14,5 meters MLWS (-17,4 m. draft with maximum
To get -10 meters min. draft in the access channel. Today there are some parts in the canal in which the draft is 8,5 meters. We will dredge all of these areas and have a flat draft of 10 meters MLWS, in the First Step dredging and 14,5 meters MLWS at the end of Second Step dredging.
Draft of New Berth #5 will be -14,5 meters MLWS.
This will allow larger container vessels to berth and receive services at YILPORT Puerto Bolivar.
Draft of Berths #1, #2, #3 and #4 will be -12,5 meters MLWS
This will allow cool carriers vessels to berth and receive services at YILPORT Puerto Bolivar.
Effect of the dredging project is inevitable for the terminal; however, operations are planned to be coordinated within customers' knowledge and constant briefing to be provided by YILPORTECU operations team in each vessel operation. So, as the terminal will have two dredging vessels and each one will need three hours to fulfill the capacity; even though YILPORTECU will try to do its best to avoid any interference, it is still possible to have some delays on berthing time and from time to time some vessels might need to be shifted to another berth.
By sharing these details; we, as YILPORTECU, aim to undergo a transparent process with you in the course of the project and would like to assure you that we take all necessary precautions to minimize possible challenges to be faced with.