YILPORT Holding's Sales & Marketing team attended to K2C's Development Program that was based on blended learning system

Sales & Marketing Development Program that prepared with K2C on the basis of a blended learning system which includes virtual classrooms, digital learning, internal training, and studies, continues successfully.
After the launch meeting, we held a strategy workshop with 57 program participants from all our regions and we completed the first internal training of the program, Maritime & Commercial Law by YILDIRIM Holding Senior Legal Counsel Vuslat Ubogu.
The continuation of the program will consist of four parts; Strategic Planning, Customer Experience, Sales Management, and another internal training about Insurance and Claim Processes by YILPORT Holding Insurance and Claim Director Cem Ertok. The first session of the Strategic Planning training took place on October 22.
We believe that this program will help us to develop our skills, and provide us different visions.
We would like to thank Serdar Salepçioğlu, Güneş Ufuk, Vuslat Ubogu, Cem Ertok, and all our participants for their great contributions.