YILPORT on 'International Mission' Promoting Ecuador's Potential

YILPORT Puerto Bolívar team attended the "International Investment Mission" organized by CIT Peru (NGO specializing in promoting private investment in Peru and abroad) in conjunction with PROECUADOR.
The mission objective was to promote Ecuador as an agro-industrial power and destination for foreign investment. This event brought together several Ecuadorian entities such as the Ministry of Production, Foreign Trade, Investment, and Fisheries; the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock; the Prefecture of Tungurahua, and representatives of the Embassy of Peru in Ecuador.
Within the list of Peruvian investors were representatives of different sectors such as agro-industrial, technological, educational, and political. These people fulfill the role of spokespersons for companies in Peru. They analyze the existing investment opportunities in the country and inform interested companies. They mentioned great interest in Ecuador due to the proximity to their country and the existing agricultural capacity. Thus, it would help them to complement their seasonal production in certain products such as avocados, and blueberries.
YILPORT participated in the event with a presentation demonstrating the capabilities and benefits of having a strategic location that allows potentiating international trade between northern Peru and the southern region of Ecuador.