
YILPORT Holding summarizes its environmental approach as the “quest for zero emissions and zero waste.” The green initiatives at our terminals carry YILPORT Holding into a sustainable future.
YILPORT Holding focuses on projects that are not only efficient and sustainable but also protect the environment. The eco-friendly activities enable YILPORT in achieving long-term growth that creates benefit both in terms of environmental cost and energy savings. How our business affects the environment is always a key concern for us. At YILPORT we always find new ways to decrease emissions, reduce waste, and limit our energy use.
YILPORT terminals initiated and delivered many green projects in huge scales. Projects range from eco-friendly terminal lighting systems, liquid terminal tank energy control systems, water treatment, and electrical powering of lifting equipment. We cooperate with our technology partners to achieve a clean and healthy environment in and around our ports. The main objective of all YILPORT operations may be summarized as the quest for zero emissions.
There is a constant drive to reduce waste in all our processes. Reducing our carbon footprint is our responsibility towards humanity, and we do that by using green energy sources at our terminals. Our new generation Euro5 engine trucks burn low sulfur diesel. Reducing 97% of carbon emissions for yard projects through electrified rubber-tired gantry cranes (e-RTG) alone, we generate a photosynthetic effect of planting 23,000 trees.
We implemented radiation portals that fall under the Megaports Initiative. This is also demanded by United States Departments of Energy and Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, and many customs authorities around the world.
The system generates accurate, real-time information about the physical location and status of the terminal assets, controlling maintenance and repair cycles and monitoring fuel consumption.
We Go Green
- Eco friendly energy sources
- Electrified terminals
- Euro5 engine trucks running on low sulfur diesel
- %97 carbon emissions reduce by e-RTGs
- Eco friendly terminal lightning systems
- Tank energy control systems
- Water treatment
- Radiation portals